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Septembers timeless tradition

Septembers timeless tradition

Open Morning is one of the most enjoyable days of the year, a traditional September event, which starts to look ahead to future generations even as we start the School year. It’s a chance for boys to show visitors round, for visitors to see the School site in (once again - luckily) autumn sunshine, and for departments and activities to show what they are proud of.

Once again, and as always, it’s the tour guides who impress. Time after time, visitors mentioned to me and my colleagues how open, welcoming and informative their tour guides were. Whitgiftians do say what they think, so visitors will genuinely have had an honest appraisal, not a sales pitch. I hope all who came enjoyed it.

Many of the boys will have had a frantic Saturday: Open Morning first, then sports fixtures, and some homework to fit into the weekend too. We thrive on being busy, but as I always say on Open Morning, busy-ness is not the main reason we do so much. Looking at the list of fixtures, for example, on Saturday (there were 31 - there are another 15 today, Monday), it sometimes occurs to us: why do we do so much?

Partly because it’s enjoyable and fun of course. Partly because talent should be found and nurtured. But mainly because sports, activities, performances build relationships, and enable students to work with each other and staff on joint ventures which teach them so much and enable them to become who they are. Which is one of the main points of education.