Preparing for Day 1 and beyond
The Whitgift 7 programme is uniquely designed for all Year 7 entrants to Whitgift. From their transition in to the new environment and the very first day through the gates, through to each part of the ongoing journey from that point, pupils are supported to develop in a rounded way. Explore these pages to learn more about why our unique approach engages boys in their learning journey and creates a solid foundation from which they can thrive.
Preparing for day 1 and Beyond
Preparing for Day 1 and Beyond
Students joining our school in First Form (Year 7) are already prepared for the transition before they come through the gates. Our activity and induction days give them a feel for our academic culture, fun and excitement is at the heart of these initial experiences and will often see friends in the making. And then their journey begins, surrounded by opportunities to spark interest.
Our activity and induction days are designed to give each boy a feel for our academic culture, as well as experiencing the fun and excitement that is at the heart of the School. Helping them to discard any of the apprehension or nerves they may be feeling, the days help them find new friends and build confidence in knowing their surroundings. They are well prepared for their journey to begin...with opportunity and adventure at each corner.
Transition Video
Personal Development
Every student is known, valued, supported and challenged to be the best version of themselves at Whitgift - and this all starts from day one. Learning the building blocks of relationships is modelled through meaningful connections with subject teachers and tutors. Students learn to be values and principles driven, proud of who they are and ambitious when it comes to who they want to be.
Persona Development Video
From the moment they arrive, students are introduced to innovative learning opportunities that prepare them for the ever-changing world that lies ahead. Through the breadth of our curriculum, pupils develop the skills of social and technological responsibility, collaboration and creativity, alongside resilience, self-awareness and emotional intelligence. A total of 17 subjects are studied including three languages.
Cultural Experience
Culture takes on multiple meanings but at the core is our drive to be representative of our south London community - a multi-cultural and diverse school. Through multiple culture-based trips and events, and co-curricular societies linked to religion, ethnicity and belief, students are enlightened to new ideas and discoveries which may trigger thought, debate and evolution of their views.
Sport plays an integral role in the education and wellbeing of all Whitgiftians. In the Junior Years it aims to create opportunity to explore, with a set of free Fencing and Golf lessons during Year 7. Sport at Whitgift promotes tolerance, humility, and respect with each student challenged to pursue their ambitions whilst learning from failures. Our ethos is participation, and well over 70% of pupils will be involved in some form of Saturday competitive fixture.
Love of Learning
From the design of the curriculum to the approach teachers take to their lessons, a love of learning is at the centre of the Whitgift experience. The Junior Years' curriculum is designed to be broad and engaging with Drama, Computer Science, three languages. Our newest subject, Global Citizenship, sits alongside the more traditional subjects. Digital methods are embraced with use of smart boards, individual laptops and VR headsets - all helping to build positive lifelong habits of curiosity and scholarship.
Whitgift students and staff are actively encouraged to participate in community programmes and charitable fundraising. Many are significantly involved in this area, and it is our aim that students who leave Whitgift have a strongly developed sense of social justice and feel a responsibility to give back to society.