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Middle Years

Your Guide to School Life

Your son’s Middle Years (age 13-16) will equip him to succeed in his GCSEs and see him mature emotionally as well as academically, developing a strong sense of who he is and what he wants to accomplish.

Throughout these crucial years, he will be inspired, stretched, and supported, developing the trusting relationships and effective routines that will help him achieve more than he believed he could. 

His school life will become richer, as he begins to experience a type of learning only possible outside the classroom. The learning facilities he will use, and how he uses them, will mature. He will talk to Sixth Form students about their chosen subjects, and gain insights into the world of work, as he begins to form ambitions of his own. Even the clubs and societies open to him will become more advanced, as he becomes comfortable forming, presenting, and discussing complex ideas with older students and staff.

Alongside his intellectual development, he will have the opportunity to explore other passions through our broad and vibrant co-curricular programme. In time, he will be given the chance to exercise leadership, collaborating with younger students in his House, leading them in Assemblies, and representing them in bodies such as Student Council. Indeed, this natural variance and diversity of opportunity is key to the open culture we foster at Whitgift, which helps students across the School gel with one another, and form valuable friendships, no matter when they joined. 

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Jack Murray
U17 Great Britian Modern Pentathlete

“Whitgift only offers a unique and diverse education. This combined with the enthusiastic and knowledgeable teaching staff has allowed me to explore and achieve things I never knew was capable of. I have managed to excel in Modern Pentathlon which wouldn't be possible without the world-class coaching and amazing facilities to which I have been exposed to.”

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